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Gemstone Platonic Sets

Gemstone Platonic Sets

Regular price $29.99 USD
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Explore the profound energy of our Gemstone Platonic Solids Set, featuring beautifully crafted Black Obsidian, Lepidolite, and Green Aventurine. These five sacred geometrical shapes—tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron—are more than just stunning decor pieces; they are tools of transformation and balance.

Each shape resonates with a different element and aspect of life:

  • the tetrahedron with fire and transformation,
  • the cube with earth and grounding,
  • the octahedron with air and harmony,
  • the dodecahedron with ether and higher consciousness, and
  • the icosahedron with water and emotional fluidity. 

Crafted from potent gemstones, each set offers the unique properties of the gemstone it is carved from. Whether it's the protective and grounding qualities of Black Obsidian, the emotional healing of lepidolite, or the prosperity-enhancing properties of Green Aventurine, each set is perfect for meditation, energy work, or simply as a beautiful addition to your space. These Platonic solids help you align with the natural order of the universe, bringing balance, peace, and positive vibes into your life.

To learn more about these powerhouse gemstone sets, check out our blog post 👉 Unlocking the Mysteries of Sacred Geometry: A Guide to the Platonic So – Seraphina Grey.

Each set includes a description of the rock's scientific makeup and the crystal's attributes and metaphysical properties.


The color may vary slightly. The colors in our photos are taken in natural light and under UV/ Daylight bulbs. We do not doctor the color of the images in any way. Colors can vary slightly from monitor to monitor.

Just because of legal craziness:

Rock, Crystals, and Minerals are not substitutes for medical treatment. Please consult your health care practitioners, such as doctors, counselors, mental health professionals, chiropractors, and acupuncturists.

The FDA has not approved rocks and Crystals for having any healing abilities.
Rock and Crystals are not for internal use and should not be consumed or ingested.

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