Causes I Support ❤️

I am committed to making a positive impact by supporting various communities and causes close to my heart. Here are some of the causes I proudly support:

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The Spoonie Community

As a spoonie, I stand with the "spoonie" community, understanding the unique challenges faced by those living with chronic illnesses and invisible disabilities. I am dedicated to raising awareness and providing support to help improve our quality of life.

Public Service Workers

I deeply appreciate the selfless dedication of our public service workers, including firefighters, police officers, and EMS personnel. Their unwavering commitment to keeping our communities safe is invaluable and I am proud to support them in any way I can.

Our Troops and Country

I honor and support the brave men and women who serve in the United States Armed Forces. Their sacrifices ensure our freedom and security, and I am grateful for their service. I also stand in solidarity with our country, the USA, and strive to contribute to its prosperity and well-being.

PTSD and C-PTSD Communities

I recognize the profound impact of PTSD and C-PTSD on individuals and their loved ones. My commitment extends to supporting those affected by these conditions, promoting mental health awareness, and advocating for accessible resources and treatments. 

Thank you for joining us in supporting these important efforts.