Me & Seraphina

Me & Seraphina

It will all make sense, eventually! Right? 

After 20+ years of fighting to be heard, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis in 2019. This was after being repeatedly told I was fine because my labs and scans were normal, or that it was all in my head. 🤷‍♀️ Pfft 🙄 Women! 

Each day is a new battle; not knowing how I’ll feel at any given time. Constant pain, a myriad of symptoms, medications with horrific side effects, anxiety, depression, and crippling fatigue. I grieve my old life. Stress creates flare-ups and the cycle of inflammation continues. The never-ending uncertainty. Will I ever be, okay?  Did I mention, there is no cure.

This brings me to Seraphina. Creating her world offers me a distraction from daily pain and a creative outlet that helps me disassociate on tougher days. I can work at my own pace and still rest when needed. The website, creations, and collections are done through the lens of Seraphina. She represents our inner child, our youth, our innocence, our fearlessness, and our magic. ⚛︎ She lives on the corner of Grey Street. IYKYK!

Navigating this disease is treacherous, and as I found out in 2022, even the best specialists and surgeons make mistakes, the kind that can kill you. I flew a little too close to the sun that night. My diagnosis, medical mishap, and early life has created a lot of complex trauma and PTSD. I have survived it all, but I am battered, tired, and now, incurable. They call it an invisible illness, but if you look closely enough, you can see it written all over my face and others just like me.

I am a Spoonie! I am a Survivor! I am 1 in 10! 🎗️

This fuels my mission to Create Something Meaningful! It all must be for something, right? 

Advocacy is at the heart of what I want to do. I want to raise awareness about Endometriosis, Chronic Illnesses, Mental Health, and the challenges faced by those living with invisible conditions. I hope to build a supportive community where spoonies can find WFH job opportunities, connect with fellow creators, and feel seen and valued. 

So, that’s a bit of my story—a bit of a mess, but I’m making it the best mess with rose-colored glasses and an endless imagination. 

Together, I hope to foster a space of hope, healing, and human connection, sharing and transforming our struggles into stories of strength, courage, and resilience. 

Welcome to my World of Seraphina Grey!

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